Call for Abstract

14th International Conference on Gynecology, Obstetrics and Womens Health, will be organized around the theme “”

WOMEN HEALTH SUMMIT 2021 is comprised of 24 tracks and 144 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in WOMEN HEALTH SUMMIT 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Gynaecology manages disease of any concerning the conceptive organs; uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, ovaries and vagina. A gynaecologist may treat related issues in the inside, bladder and urinary, since these are firmly identified with female conceptive organs. Obstetrics should manage the pregnant ladies, the unborn infant, work and conveyance and the prompt time frame following labour. Obstetrics deals with the care of the unborn baby, pregnant women labour and delivery and the immediate period following childbirth. The obstetrician guarantees that mother and youngster get the best pre-birth care to guarantee work and conveyance is cultivated without inconveniences and that should mediation be required, it is done rapidly and securely.

  • Track 1-1Obstetrical Analgesia and Anaesthesia
  • Track 1-2Recent Advances in Gynaecology
  • Track 1-3Operative Gynaecology
  • Track 1-4Operative Obstetrics
  • Track 1-5Pregnancy Care and Delivery
  • Track 1-6Neuroendocrinology of Reproduction

The prevalence of obesity in adult women and teenage. There is the rise in the number of caesarean deliveries. Advances in women health include increased genetic testing, about zakat and dengue virus, Preeclampsia related stroke deaths, Cannabis use and outcome of obstetrics. Obstetricians and gynaecologist should realize and exhibit the appropriate skills, knowledge and attitudes to assess as the examination of neck, chest, breast, abdominal, lower limb examination for both pregnant and non-pregnant women.

  • Track 2-1Fertility Regulation
  • Track 2-2Screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Track 2-3Cervical Cancer Prevention and Screening
  • Track 2-4Menopausal Practice
  • Track 2-5Surgical Techniques for Benign Disease
  • Track 2-6Gynaecologic Oncology

Ovarian Cancer Gynaecologic Oncology is a specialized field that deals with cancers pertaining to the female genitalia and reproductive system.  Gynaecologic oncology is uterine cancer, vaginal cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer and vulvar cancer. In the United States according to the data collected by The Society of Gynaecologic Oncology 8,200 women are affected by gynaecologic cancer annually. Some of the ovarian malignant germ cell tumour is embryonic carcinoma, polyembryoma, dysgerminoma, choriocarcinoma and immature teratomas. Cervical cancer is the most talked about gynaecologic cancer caused by Human Papillomavirus nowadays. In most of the cases cervical cancer it is not diagnosed in the first stage.  The most common gynaecological complications of pelvic radiation are ovarian failure in pre-menopausal women and vaginal stenosis followed by sexual dysfunction and menopause.

  • Track 3-1Endometrial Cancer
  • Track 3-2Vaginal Cancer
  • Track 3-3Cervical Cancer
  • Track 3-4Breast Cancer
  • Track 3-5Medication and monitoring
  • Track 3-6Complications of Chemotherapy
  • Track 3-7Radiation Toxicity
  • Track 3-8Epithelial ovarian cancer
  • Track 3-9Non-epithelial ovarian cancer

Reproductive endocrinology exclusively deals with the complications of infertility and tends to give it solution through reproductive medicine and hormonal injections and also it is identified with the control and the impact of reproductive actions on the endocrine system, and the outcomes of endocrine disorders on reproduction functioning of the distinctive endocrine organs in women. Fetal-Placental neuroendocrine and reproductive endocrinology and refers to a subspecialty that centers on the organic causes and its interventional treatment of infertility and its advancement. Reproductive endocrinologists not only treat people affected by infertility but also treat patients with hormonal dysfunctions and it is a sub-division in Gynaecology and Obstetrics which trains professionals in the field of reproductive medicine, hormonal dysfunction during pregnanc. Proper functioning of the endocrine system is very important for the human body. Improper secretion of hormones may leads to many complications in pregnancy.

  • Track 4-1Fetal-Placental Neuroendocrine Development
  • Track 4-2Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology
  • Track 4-3Reproductive Endocrinology
  • Track 4-4Hirsutism
  • Track 4-5Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Track 4-6Hyperprolactinemia
  • Track 4-7Infertility
  • Track 4-8Menopause

Urogynaecology  are  Lichen sclerosus, Cystocele, Enterocele, Female Genital Prolapse, Overactive Bladder and Rectovaginal fistula. Some of the important treatments available in the sector of urogynecology includes abdominal reconstruction, behavioral modification, Botulinum toxin injection, dietary modification, robotic reconstruction, sacral nerve stimulation and urethral injection. Urogynaecology will include treatment of urinary incontinence and female pelvic floor issue. It is a sub-division of gynaecology. The International Urogynecological Association   is a global organisation dealing with the professionals practicing in the field of female pelvic medicine, reconstructive surgery and urogynecology.

  • Track 5-1Gynecologic and Urology Surgery
  • Track 5-2Complications in Endoscopic Surgery
  • Track 5-3Management of the Ureter during Pelvic Surgery
  • Track 5-4Urinary incontinence
  • Track 5-5Pelvic Organ Prolapse
  • Track 5-6Interstitial Cystitis
  • Track 5-7Vaginal Agenesis and Vesicovaginal Fistulas

The cycle is required for the creation of oocytes, for the preparation of the uterus for pregnancy. Up to 80% of ladies report having a few side effects between one to fourteen days before period. The menstrual cycle is the normal regular change that happens in the female reproductive system that makes pregnancy conceivable. The cycle is required for the production of oocytes. The menstrual cycle occurs because the rise and fall of estrogen. This results in the thickening of the lining of the uterus, and the growth of an egg. The egg is required for the pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, the lining is released in what is known as menstruation the menstrual cycle is represented by hormonal changes.

  • Track 6-1Amenorrhoea (absent menstrual periods)
  • Track 6-2Dysmenorrhoea (painful menstrual periods)
  • Track 6-3Menorrhagia (heavy menstrual periods)
  • Track 6-4Menstrual cycles and Ovulation
  • Track 6-5Common Menstrual Problems
  • Track 6-6Menopause and the menstrual cycle
  • Track 6-7Abnormal bleeding and menstrual disorders

Woman’s can have a sound pregnancy by getting appropriate, and ordinary pre-birth care .Novel heath issues, it incorporate pregnancy, menopause, and states of the female organs.  Women get   older age experience various diseases like osteoporosis, arthritis, anaemia, cardiovascular diseases and etc. The reproductive health of the women is ignored which leads to ovarian cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer and cervical cancer. Before conceiving or planning for a baby, the health conditions of the mother and the financial condition of the family should be assessed and are additionally prescribed a few tests for breast disease, cervical cancer, and bone thickness screenings.

  • Track 7-1Pelvic Provocative Affliction
  • Track 7-2Stillbirths
  • Track 7-3Abnormal Vaginal Discharge
  • Track 7-4Psychological health during pregnancy and menopause
  • Track 7-5Lesbian Health Issues
  • Track 7-6Domestic Violence
  • Track 7-7 Sexual harassment
  • Track 7-8Plans before conceiving

Ladies who can get pregnant are unfit to remain pregnant are considered as infertile. Infertility implies also not having the capacity to get pregnant. 10 percent of ladies around (6.1 million) in the United States age 15-44 experience issues getting pregnant or remaining pregnant, as per the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. There are no eggs to be prepared without ovulation. A few signs that a lady isn't ovulating regularly incorporate unpredictable or missing Infertility is the inability to fertilize or impotence of a person to reproduce by natural means. It is referred as fertility treatment.  Reproductive technology mainly used for infertility treatments. It belongs to the field of reproductive endocrinology and infertility, and also include intracytoplasmic sperm injection and cryopreservation. Ovulation issues are frequently brought about by polycystic ovarian disorder is a hormonal issue which can interfere with ovulation. POI happens when a lady's ovaries quit working ordinarily before she is 40. POI isn't equivalent to early menopause.

  • Track 8-1 Infertility Evaluation and Treatment among Women
  • Track 8-2Tubal Infertility and Ectopic Pregnancy
  • Track 8-3Obesity & Surgical Management of Infertility
  • Track 8-4Artificial Gametes and Ovarian Stimulation
  • Track 8-5Risk of Idiopathic Male Infertility
  • Track 8-6Infertility Evaluation and Management

Reproductive medicine has allowed the development of artificial reproductive techniques which have allowed advances in overcoming human infertility, as well as being used in agriculture and in wildlife conservation.  The issues which are seen in reproductive medicine are sexual education family planning, reproductive system diseases, sexual dysfunction, birth control and infertility. Medicine which deals with the  diagnosis, prevention and management of reproductive problems is known as reproductive medicine. Reproductive Medicine is to improve and keep up the nature of regenerative  being well. . If the topic of reproductive medicine is taken into account it is further subdivided into prenatal medicine and postnatal medicine.

  • Track 9-1Prenatal medicine
  • Track 9-2Perinatal Medicine
  • Track 9-3Biomarkers in Reproductive Medicine
  • Track 9-4Regenerative Medicine and Their Application

 Gynecological surgeries deals with the medical procedure on the female conceptive system. This includes methodologies for agreeable conditions, threat, infertility, and incontinence. Intermountain’s gynecologic surgery uses the least invasive methods possible for surgery. Many gynecologic surgeries are done as laparoscopic surgeries that mean the doctor does the surgery by using a laproscope, so that the doctor can look inside the body and can do the surgery without opening the body up. With laparoscopic surgery, the incisions (cuts) are much smaller than with open surgery. With this surgery, the doctor does a laparoscopic surgery using a computer to control the surgical instruments the gynaecological medical procedure may sometimes be performed for elective or therapeutic purposes.


  • Track 10-1Tubal Ligation
  • Track 10-2Microsurgery
  • Track 10-3Female Urology
  • Track 10-4Laparoscopy & Laser Surgery
  • Track 10-5Colposcopy & Hysteroscopy

Polycystic ovary syndrome common in women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone and androgen levels. The ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluid and it will fail regularly release eggs and also it is common among women of reproductive age. It is a problem with hormones that affects women during their child bearing years between the ages of 15-44. The cause is not known, it appears that PCOS may be related to many different factors working together.  Early diagnosis and treatment and with weight loss may reduce the risk of long-term complications such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. These factors include insulin resistance, increased levels of hormones like androgens, and also an irregular menstrual cycle occurs.

PCOS symptoms

Irregular periods, heavy bleeding, Hair growth, Acne, Weight gain, Male-pattern baldness, darkening of the skin, Headaches, Depression

  • Track 11-1Excess insulin
  • Track 11-2Low-grade inflammation
  • Track 11-3Heredity
  • Track 11-4Excess androgen

Care is word that is related to all stages of conceiving a child. A woman has to take care of only herself before delivery and she has to care of herself as well as her baby after delivery.  Nine months of delivery can be divided into three stages and that is Intra-partum care, pre-partum care, and postpartum care. Prenatal care helps to decrease risks during pregnancy and increases the chance of a safe and healthy delivery.    This makes it easy to find complications in pregnancy like eclampsia, miscarriages, preclampsia and bleeding etc. Immunization of the mother is of importance as this protects the foetus from deadly diseases. After conceiving and leading to the delivery of the baby, the body of the mother undergo changes. Post-partum care is primarily important to the newly born baby and also for the mother. Postpartum care involves getting proper rest, nutrition, and vaginal care Next comes in line protection of the new born from external infections and providing the baby with all the vaccinations at regular time intervals.

  • Track 12-1Preclampsia
  • Track 12-2Eclampsia
  • Track 12-3Isoimmunization
  • Track 12-4Third trimester bleeding
  • Track 12-5Abortion
  • Track 12-6Breastfeeding
  • Track 12-7Postpartum depression
  • Track 12-8Puerperal fever
  • Track 12-9Miscarriage
  • Track 12-10Failure in development of organs in foetus
  • Track 12-11Decine in function of foetal organs while in womb

Ultrasound is done on pregnancy to track the development of the foetus in the mother’s womb.  Ultrasound, it reveals the heartbeat of the foetus, the radius of the head,    his/her height and weight and also the length of the hands and feet. Various linds of ultrasounds are Transvaginal Ultrasound, Fetal Echocardiography, 3-D Ultrasound,  and 4-D Ultrasound . Sonography, it reports in the first trimester and provides information about the fetal heartbeat,and also it examines the placenta, uterus, ovaries, cervix, and also checks for multiple pregnancies, the sonography done in the second and third trimester reveals much important criteria like placental abruption, placental previa, characteristics of Down’s syndrome. Ultrasound looking into the genetic conditions of parents and as a consequence the possibilities in the baby

  • Track 13-1Fetal Anomalies
  • Track 13-2Clinical Utility of foetal echocardiography

Obstetrics, it  deals with childbirth and midwifery.  Obstetricians, it deals with prenatal and postnatal care, foetal assessments, done during the entire span of pregnancy i.e. ultrasounds it is done during the first, second and third trimester of pregnancy.  As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynaecology known as obstetrics and gynaecology.  Foetal assessment includes obstetric ultrasonography to detect ectopic pregnancy, computerized tomography, oxytocin challenge test fetal screening, foetal haematocrit, foetal karyotype.  The various complications that come during pregnancy like foetal distress, shoulder dystocia, placental abruption are handled and taken care of by the obstetricians as well.

  • Track 14-1Prenatal care
  • Track 14-2Foetal assessment
  • Track 14-3Incurrent diseases
  • Track 14-4Induction and labour
  • Track 14-5Complications and emergencies
  • Track 14-6Postnatal care

Healths problems occur in the mother’s body because of pregnancy are called as complications in pregnancy. Complications that are health. These complications be sub-divided into many sections and some complications are common in every expecting mother According to the statistics it is found that 90% of the females in pregnancy other stages have experienced complications.   Women who are suffering from medical complications like HIV, urinary tract infections, ectopic pregnancies should go for immunization.  This chart provides an overview of infections that can be harmful during pregnancy. Some easy steps, such as hand washing, practicing safe sex, and avoiding certain foods, can help protect you from some infections.

  • Track 15-1Asthma
  • Track 15-2Diabetes Mellitus
  • Track 15-3Thyroid diseases
  • Track 15-4HIV
  • Track 15-5Urinary Tract Infection
  • Track 15-6Special care for mothers who are regular drinkers and smokers

Cervical cancer can be easily detected in the early stages by a test called ‘Pap test’. Most kinds of cervical cancer are caused by a virus known as Human Papilloma virus or HPV. There are many types of HPV. However every kind does not result in cervical cancer. The symptoms of cervical cancer are irregular bleeding and the definitive time span of regular menstrual cycle, pain in the lower abdomen, and pain during sexual relations and abnormal vaginal discharge.  Bleeding after sex may not much serious, it can also indicate the presence of cervical cancer.  Treatment that includes surgeries and chemotherapies are successful in treating cervical cancer in the initial stages. Surgeries such as hysterectomy, brachytherapy, trachelectomy, removal of pelvic lymph nodes with or without removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes, chemotherapy and radiations helps in treating cervical cancer.

Signs and Symptoms

Causes- HPV, Smoking, OCP and Multiple Pregnancies

  • Track 16-1Diagnosis-Biopsy, Precancerous lesions, Staging
  • Track 16-2Prevention- Screening, barrier protection and vaccination

Contraception is to prevent pregnancy and a woman can get pregnant if a man's sperm reaches one of her eggs. Contraception tries to stop this happening by keeping the egg and sperm apart and stopping egg production. The methods which are used to prevent pregnancy are known as birth control or contraception.  Birth control also helps in increasing economic growth of a country by decreasing the number of dependent children, more women in the working sector and less use of scarce resources

  • Track 17-1Oral Contraceptive Pills
  • Track 17-2Emergency Contraception
  • Track 17-3Barrier methods
  • Track 17-4Long acting methods
  • Track 17-5Intra Uterine Devices
  • Track 17-6Sterilization

When a woman carries more than one baby in the womb then it is known as multiple pregnancies. one or more than one egg is released during the menstrual cycle, and each one is fertilized by a sperm then it will be the cause of multiple pregnancy. This is because more women older than 35 years are having babies and Increment has been seen in multiple pregnancies. Women who belong to the age group of 35 are at high risk of having twins. There is the other reason for the increase is that more women are undergoing fertility treatments to become pregnant. These fertility treatments increase the risk of multiple pregnancies. A multiple pregnancy can affect the health mother and child.

  • Track 18-1Preterm Birth
  • Track 18-2Low Birth Weight
  • Track 18-3Cerebral palsy
  • Track 18-4Incomplete separation
  • Track 18-5Mortality rate (stillbirth)
  • Track 18-6Chorionic villus sampling
  • Track 18-7Amniocentesis
  • Track 18-8Memory problems

The most natural thing every woman experiences after a certain age in her life and it can occur between the ages of 42 and 56 but almost 51. In this period the ovaries stop producing eggs and level of oestrogen will decline.  The symptoms of premature menopause are women undergoing natural menopause. More studies are needed to understand the onset of menopause for non-Caucasian women. There are many factors that help determine when you’ll begin menopause, including genetics and ovary health. Perimenopause is before menopause.  Many women begin perimenopause other women skip perimenopause and enter menopause suddenly. About 1 percent of women begin menopause before the age of 40, which is called premature menopause or primary ovarian insufficiency.

  • Track 19-1Insomnia
  • Track 19-2Vaginal dryness
  • Track 19-3Weight gain
  • Track 19-4Depression
  • Track 19-5Anxiety
  • Track 19-6Difficulty concentrating
  • Track 19-7Reduced libido, or sex drive
  • Track 19-8Dry skin, mouth, and eyes
  • Track 19-9Increased urination

The moral dilemmas that face Obstetrics and Gynaecology range from public advocacy for the very basic needs of health and human rights for women to the most intricate issues surrounding the growing knowledge and use of the human genome. In 1985 FIGO set up the Committee for the Study of Ethics in Human Reproduction and Women’s Health. The main objectives of the Committee focus on recording and studying the general ethical problems which emanate from research and practice in women’s health as well as bringing these issues to the attention of physicians and the public in developed and developing countries. From the time of its inception, the Committee has made recommendations for the guidance and to stimulate discussion for all practitioners, and particularly for use by member societies to stimulate broader national and regional discussions on vexing ethical issues. The moral dilemmas that faced in this field range from public advocacy for the very basic needs of health and human rights for women.

  • Track 20-1Non Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT)
  • Track 20-2Female Genital Cutting

Reproductive cancers are the cancers which are related to the organs in reproduction. Reproductive cancers occur in the reproductive organs. Breast cancers, cervical cancers, prostate and testicular cancers common reproductive cancers and also reproductive cancers in women are cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, vaginal cancer, Vulvar cancer. Ovarian cancer is the Cancer in ovaries, the two organs which make female hormones and produce a woman’s eggs. Uterine cancer is the Cancer in the uterus (womb), the organ where the baby grows. These are cancers in the breast, cervix, uterus, vulva, endometrium or ovaries. Reproductive cancers can also be found in the prostate, testicles and penis vaginal cancer is the Cancer of the vagina.

  • Track 21-1Vaginal Cancer
  • Track 21-2Vulvar Cancer
  • Track 21-3Endometrial Cancer
  • Track 21-4Cervical Cancer
  • Track 21-5Ovarian Cancer
  • Track 21-6Causes and Risk Factors
  • Track 21-7Causes and Risk Factors
  • Track 21-8Signs & Symptoms
  • Track 21-9Breast Cancer
  • Track 21-10Fallopian Tube Cancer

 Uterine prolapse transpire when the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments stretch and weaken and they can provide enough support for uterus. Uterus protrudes out of the vagina and it can occur in women of any age. It affects usually postmenopausal women who have one or more vaginal deliveries. A uterine prolapse is when the uterus descends toward the vagina and it happens only when the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments become weak and are no longer able to support the uterus. Mild uterine prolapse doesn't require treatment, but uterine prolapse is making you uncomfortable causing any disruptions in your regular life, you may benefit from the treatment.


  • Track 22-1Incomplete uterine prolapse
  • Track 22-2Complete uterine prolapse
  • Track 22-3Chronic coughing
  • Track 22-4Genetic factors leading to weakened connective tissue

Pediatric gynaecology deals with the health of the vagina, vulva, uterus, and ovaries of infants, children, and adolescents. Examination of the external genitalia should be done by gently moving the labia minor to either side, or gently moving them towards the anterior (front) side of the body to expose the vaginal introitus. Routine physical examinations by a pediatrician typically include a visual examination of breasts and vulva; more extensive examinations may be performed by a pediatrician in response to a specific complaint.

  • Track 23-1Hernia
  • Track 23-2Vulvitis
  • Track 23-3Breast Abnormalities

Endometriosis is the development of tissues of the uterus of the inward lines to outside of the uterus. Injuries, Nodules and Inserts are utilized to depict the endometrial patches. Endometriosis patches develop in the pelvic depression or over the two ovaries and behind the uterus or tissues holding the uterus and also on the guts or bladder. Endometriosis is painful disorder in which tissue similar to the tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus the endometrium grows outside your uterus. Endometrial tissue rarely may spread beyond pelvic organs. The endometrial like tissue acts as endometrial tissue would and it thickens, breaks down and bleeds with each menstrual cycle. . Fertility problems also may develop. Fortunately, the significant side effect is the pelvic torment all the time connected with the menstrual cycle, some of the time cramping amid the period and the torment is more terrible than normal agonies amid the cycle. The principal inconvenience of Endometriosis is fruitlessness.

  • Track 24-1Painful periods (dysmenorrhea)
  • Track 24-2Pain with intercourse
  • Track 24-3Pain with bowel movements or urination
  • Track 24-4Excessive bleeding
  • Track 24-5Infertility